IRS Refund
Still waiting for Refund.
How easy is Xero.
After test driving Freshbooks, I noticed that you cannot import Bank Transactions manually. I have to confirm this and ask the people from Freshbooks if there is a work around.
Bookkeeping Tips
Credit Card Sales Need to be reported to the IRS (Small Firms and Self- Employed)
From: American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (VOLUME 16: Issue 27)
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Nam semper lacus eu enim sagittis vitae malesuada libero molestie. Nunc orci risus, iaculis at aliquet vitae, hendrerit at est. Proin quis sapien nec eros tempor sodales. Curabitur et lacus sed orci rhoncus luctus. Mauris gravida eleifend est vel sodales. Vestibulum mattis pulvinar mi, faucibus rutrum dui ultrices non. Vestibulum sollicitudin lacus non nisl dignissim facilisis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque facilisis semper congue.